Today at Holy Mass, the last Sunday of Advent, we hear in the second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews something interesting………..“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; in holocausts and sin offerings you took no delight”…….This statement speaks to me because its the “little things” that count the most…..We can so easily lose focus, we all want to go “big things”…But God came to us as a little child…The birth of the King of Kings took place “below the radar” of the world….More times then not, this is how God works…In the “little things” of life….The Holy Family, the first Church, Jesus, Mary and Joseph for thirty years lived their life hidden from the rest of the world…The Holy Family did all the things normal families do…..This should tell us something….We need to focus on the “little things”…God has placed us exactly where we need to be…..Its in the present moment, in our homes, with our family, with our friends, at work…Its there that we live out the gospel message…Notice I said “live out”…Let the “big things” take care of themselves…Concentrate on the “little things”…As Scripture tells us….‘Well done, good servant! You have been faithful in this very small matter; take charge of ten cities”…Our strengthen lies in the “little things” - Strive to do them well!
“Once again, O LORD of hosts, look down from heaven, and see; take care of this vine, and protect what your right hand has planted the son of man whom you yourself made strong”
Next to Jesus and Mary, St Joseph is considered by many to be the holiest of saints…Do you know throughout the entire Bible not one word is record of what St Joseph ever said…St Joseph found his sanctity in performing his day to day duties, serving his wife and children…He did not write books, he did not have a podcast, he did not give lectures in front of big crowds…He was simple and performed the most basic of tasks - But here is the difference - St Joseph did everything in and for God…So much so, he is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church…Just think if we focused on the simple things and lived in the present moment!…Think about how God can mold us if we did just that!…..Jesus tells us in Scripture….”In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words”…I write this because this applies to me!!!…..My wife and I have a very structured prayer life but many times I find that my mind drifts, I say the words but my focus is on something else…Even when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament, my body is there but my mind is somewhere else….I need to learn to live in the present moment - So pray for me!…How much more can God use the time I give him…If I focus…..Our “greatness” is found in small things - Remember that!…..Many people who grew up in Rutherford New Jersey as I did knew Patrick Fahey…Patrick had eight children and I grew up with many of them…He was a simple man and worked as a crossing guard in town after he retired…Everyone knew Patrick…He was so joyful….So full of life…..He always had a “good word” to share with everyone and to be honest with you, everyone was his friend, he talked to everyone!…Patrick raised eight children without a car…He rode his bike to where he worked as a crossing guard after he “retired” and he worked into his eighties…Patrick was a “simple man”…But Patrick was a light that pointed to God…At least for me he did - And I am sure his life’s example did the same for many others….Patrick did all that by living and being simple…….”Well done, good servant! You have been faithful in this very small matter; take charge of ten cities”……Our strengthen lies in the “little things” - I need to remember that!…..The example of Patrick Fahey's life reminds me and I miss my friend to this day…That is what saints do…They remind us…They point to Jesus…They show us the way!
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