Saturday, December 14, 2024

”It takes us to first recognize our own poverty before we can recognize Jesus’s divinity”

Today at Holy Mass we hear from the gospel of St Matthew…Jesus friends ask him a question….”Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" He said in reply, "Elijah will indeed come and restore all things; but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him”….As many know, Elijah was a great prophet. Scripture tells us……”There appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace. Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits; By the Lord's word he shut up the heavens and three times brought down fire”…….Yet, according to Jesus told to us at Mass today, “They did nor recognize him”…..Early this week on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I wrote about how God works through little children and the “invisible segments of society” more times then not…Here again Jesus tells us…A great message was given to the people and they did not hear it…….So it is today as it was 2000 years ago - Not much has changed…..The message of Salvation is being proclaimed today at every Mass offered all over the world….We are given the privilege of receiving the Blessed Sacrament into our very body….We are given the opportunity to have our sins forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation…Yet, as it was in the time of Elijah……”The people did not recognize him”

“Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved”

How can we recognize Christ in our world today?…..A question often asked by many…More time then not, it takes us to first recognize our own poverty before we can recognize Jesus’s divinity…That is a lofty statement - I am going to say it again…..”It takes us to first recognize our own poverty before we can recognize Jesus’s divinity”…Let me try to explain it…..Being citizens of America for the most part all our basic needs at met….We all eat well, we have a roof over our head, cloths on our back……In many cases we have deposable income……We are in good health…All these things are good, however in having them the way we do in abundance, we can “think” we do not need God….Sometimes it takes an event to make us feel utterly powerless - Its then, in such a moment like that will we be open to really “listen” to what God is trying to tell us…..While we all want to achieve some level of material comfort, being too comfortable in this life can be a distraction for us when it comes to “seeing and hearing” God in the hear and now……Having money is not a sin…I will admit to you right now…My wife and I are professional people and we are hardly poor…I would be lying to you if I told you otherwise…However, my wife and I have five children…We use the material gifts given to us and share them with our family and put them at the service of the world…......This is what the Social Compendium of the Catholic Church says about wealth….”Wealth is considered a gift from God that should be used responsibly and shared with those in need, meaning that accumulating excessive wealth while others lack basic necessities is morally wrong; individuals have a duty to use their wealth to benefit society and not just hoard it for personal gain”….As an American , hearing this is challenging because our culture is so driven by material goals and achievements - Its pounded into our heads as children - “Get a good job and make tons of money!”…What the Church is teaching us in this document is the following…Money is not a bad thing…We are to work hard and reach our potential and that may mean a significant amount of material success will be gained…However, what the Church is also telling us is….If we are gifted with material wealth, its for us to use that wealth for the benefit of the Kingdom of God…..Why?….Because if we look to “build heaven on earth”, we will get distracted and not look to God…We will “think” we do not need him…..Also, our true home is heaven….And if we try to find “heaven on earth” not only will we always be disappointed because nothing fully satisfies us materially speaking in the here and now no matter how good it is, but if we live for material gain, we will ultimately find ourselves constantly violating the first and second commandments…To love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself

“To whom much is given, much will be required”

Today at Mass Jesus tells his friends that a message was given to the world and the world did not hear it….As Catholics, everything we need to hear is written down very clearly for us…Its for us to read it and put it into practice…So here is the final question - Why do we ignore what is told to us? - The answer can be found in this statement - Because we “think” we do not need God…We get distracted by our creature comforts more often then not…Only and until we recognize our own poverty before God, even if we are blessed with material wealth, will we have “eyes to see” and “hears to hear”….As Catholics, wealth is seen as a stewardship, meaning individuals are entrusted with managing their riches for the good of others, not just themselves…….I can hear it now…”Your a communist Joe”!….....No - I’m a Catholic - And "My kingdom is not of this world"…"To whom much is given, much will be required”

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