Wednesday, July 28, 2021

“Most Catholics are more than content to live out their lives surrounded by the trappings of our world, rather than to risk losing them in becoming a disciple of Jesus (disciple by definition means follower). A disciple (by my definition) is one who will put God first in all decisions, even when putting God first is costly…………The first step in freeing men from external chains is to emancipate them from internal chains and false ideals……Everyone talks about freedom. All around the world different people, different races, different countries are fighting for freedom. But what is freedom? In America we speak of living in a free country. But are we really free? The answer is no, we are not free. True freedom has to do with the human spirit. Who stops us from being free? We blame the government, we blame the weather, we blame our parents, we blame religion, we blame God. Who really stops us from being free? We stop ourselves.”

Gospel Text: (Mt 13:44-46)

Jesus said to his disciples:
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field,
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant
searching for fine pearls.
When he finds a pearl of great price,
he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.”


Reflect, today, upon two things. First, have you discovered the treasures God has given to you? If you hesitate in answering this, then it’s most likely the case that there is much you have yet to discover. Secondly, as you do discover the riches that come with the gift of faith, then have you allowed that which God has spoken to you to consume you to such a point that you are willing to sell all you have, meaning, do whatever it takes to further accept all God wants to bestow? Resolutely determine to go forth on this holy search and you will find that the riches of grace that you obtain are of infinite value.


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