Sunday, September 29, 2024

There is more rejoicing in heaven over the one lost sheep that was found then over the 99 that never were lost….Do we have this mindset?…Or do we simply want to “win an argument”

Today at Holy Mass we hear from the Gospel of St Mark….In the text St John said to Jesus, "Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us." Jesus replied, "Do not prevent him”….Why would Jesus say that?……..Because there is only one Truth and Jesus loves everyone and so should we!…And if someone who “does not belong to our camp” speaks the Truth….We should have their back!!!!…Its interesting that human nature has not changed from Jesus’s time until now….Political identities, religious sub-groups; and cultural cliques focus on “winning arguments” as opposed to winning souls……There is only one “camp” and all are welcome into it…..The Truth is universal and is written upon the hearts of every human being…Jesus said very clearly…”Let the children come to me”…We should have the same philosophy…..I don’t care what “camp” you come from…If you speak and live the Truth….We fight the same fight…We stand shoulder to shoulder…..And what differences remain…God will take care of the rest in time…..If are hearts are focused on pursuing the Truth…..The Holy Spirit will “prune the branches that do not bear fruit” and nurture the branches that do

“Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward”
Every Good Friday the Church prays for “people of good will”…What does that mean - “people of good will”?..It means that there are people who are not Catholic who are pursuing the Truth the best way they know how to pursue it….The Church prays for these people and so should we…Jesus Christ said very clearly…I am the Way…The Truth….And the Life…There are many reasons why people do not end up Catholic…How they were raised…Where they were raised…..Wounds that they may have suffered in life….So the Church in her wisdom prays for these souls publicly on one of the holiest days of the year - Good Friday….And as practicing Catholics who have been given the gift of our faith…Its for us not only to pray for people of good will but to encourage them to keep making steps forward towards God…Its not about “winning an argument” - Filling up with pride resting upon the fact that you are “right” - Who cares!!!!! …..You may “win” an argument but lose a soul…..And if souls are lost, everything is lost!…Jesus left the 99 in pursuit of the one lost sheep…And when the one lost sheep was found…There was more joy in heaven then over the 99 who were never lost…Do we have this mindset?
"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”
In many circles of the Catholic world currently a word is thrown around a lot and I believe it is deeply misunderstood…That word is “accompaniment”….Its the idea to “walk” with a person who is not Catholic and through our “walk” they will come to the fullness of the faith……True accompaniment should NEVER water down or compromise the Truth, however it should not beat people over the head with the Truth either….It simply means we can for this point in time “agree to disagree” and still remain friends…It means that as a practicing Catholic I will pray for you, be a faithful friend and give you a good example, which will come from a well formed interior life of daily prayer, weekly fasting and living a Sacramental life…If I do “the job” that Jesus called me to do…In time and by my example…The Holy Spirit will speak gently to those outside the fold…We can not “change hearts”…So stop trying…But God can through our life’s example through the power of the Holy Spirit.
“You have condemned; you have murdered the righteous one; he offers you no resistance”
Interestingly enough, the same conversation that took place in the gospel today from St Mark took place in the first reading from Mass from the Book of Numbers….In this reading Joshua tells Moses that two guys who “did not belong in their camp” were speaking the Truth and Joshua had a problem with that…Moses had to set Joshua straight!…..”But Moses answered him, "Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets! Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all!”……The Truth is the Truth!…….Moses was spot on!……..Remember what Jesus said…”Let the children come to me”….There is more rejoicing in heaven over the one lost sheep that was found then over the 99 that never were lost….Do we have this mindset?…Or do we simply want to “win an argument”

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