Wednesday, February 12, 2025

”Do what he tells you”…..When we listen to her….We get a small taste of paradise here on earth….. And the best is yet to come

Today at Holy Mass, in the first reading we hear the creation narrative from the Book of Genesis….”The LORD God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being”…….God made us and gave us everything we need…However he warned us about something that to this day effects each and every one of us….."You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; the moment you eat from it you are surely doomed to die”….Why did God do this?…Is there something about the “apple tree”?…….What God was telling us here is that he determines what is good and evil - We do not…This very clear statement made by God (our creator) blows a hole in the statement we hear today by so many….”This is my truth?”……..There is only one truth and God determines it - That is what this narrative read to us at Mass today is all about……We only fool ourselves when we “think’ we determine the Truth…Why is that?….Because we die - Our life here on earth is very short….We do not and cannot change reality - We can try to fool ourselves and others in thinking we can…But in the end, as they saying in New Jersey goes…”It is what it is”…..God is the author of life and he is also the author of the Truth…..Mankind from the time of Adam and Eve to the present day has tried to alter what can not be altered….And the outcome is always the same…..Sorrow, strife and death…..God came to give us life and give it to us in abundance in the here and now!…He created Adam and Eve and gave them everything they needed…He also told them in order to “keep what you have” and maintain this beautiful garden I created for you - Listen to me……The same message is echoed today by God and sadly the same refusal is also still embraced by far too many……”This is my truth”……..Jesus said very clearly the very opposite message…He said - ”I am the Way…The Truth…And the Life…Jesus did not say I am the custom……Our Lady did not say too much recorded in the pages of Scripture but one of the things she did say could be one of the most important messages we ever hear in our life time….”Do what he tells you”

“Your word, O Lord, is truth: consecrate us in the truth”

People believe what they see - Period Full Stop…One of the things that “sold me” on why I believe that everything the Catholic faith teaches is true is what I saw with my own two eyes in religious orders that “adhere to the vine”….Trust me when I tell you this and if you like, go witness it for your self…Those who “adhere to the vine”, meaning those who follow the teachings of the Church…Not “leaving things out” because they do not comport with their lifestyle simply thrive!….This is factual and this is reality…If you do not believe me…I invite you to see for your self….Individuals, families and consecrated religious who live Sacramental lives and follow all the teachings of the Catholic Church “bear fruit” - Period Full Stop!……Again, if you don’t believe me…Go look at the many religious orders thriving in New York City today: The Sisters of Life; The Missionaries of Charity; The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal to name three I am very familiar with…....These orders all have one thing in common…They “adhere to the vine”…And as a result, they get many young men and woman who join them year after year…..People are not interested in “watered down” Catholicism…I can speak for myself…I am not…..There is something about an authentic witness of the Catholic faith…One that does not comprise but embrace something which challenges a person, calling them to something greater them themselves!…….This is the faith of Jesus Christ and when the world witnesses such a faith, it stops traffic!……Before you will believe what I am telling you, you must see this kind of faith lived out…This kind of faith brings with it deep joy and peace……And this is available for all of us - Right now!…And here is the good news…Its free!……”The lie” which was presented to Adam and Eve by the devil is the same lie presented to mankind today....…”If you eat of the tree of knowledge - You will be like God”….How do we know this is a lie?…Because we all die - God "makes the rules" and “holds all the cards”……See for yourself how those who embrace the fullness of their Catholic faith “bear fruit”…..Seeing is believing…And what I am telling you is not - “My truth” - Its “The Truth”

“All creatures look to you to give them food in due time. When you give it to them, they gather it; when you open your hand, they are filled with good things”

We heard today how God created man…God gave us everything we need to thrive and only gave us one condition by which we must live.….God determines the Truth - We do not…..With that said, God gives us free will…..Why did he do that?…Because love can not be forced upon someone - Love must be freely chosen…..Therefore we all must make a choice…..If you are hesitant to believe that the Catholic Church and everything it teaches is true…That somehow the teachings of the Church are “not applicable for you” or “outdated”…Look for yourself and see Catholics who authentically live out their faith in real time…Obviously, these people are not perfect, no one is…But I will tell you this…There is a joy found in those who embrace the fullness of their Catholic faith that is very real…And that joy cannot be denied when you see it….Stop pointing to all the “bad examples” found within our Church and stop making excuses…….From the beginning there was a bad example (ie Judas) and “bad people” sadly will always exist until Jesus returns….In the meantime, when you see for yourself what authentic Catholicism is all about…Then make up your mind - Stop listening to "the lie"…..The Garden of Eden was created for us to thrive in………..”Paradise was lost” with the bite of an apple…..That all changed with one YES from a peasant girl named Mary and that same young girl tells us all something we should take to heart…”Do what he tells you”…..When we listen to her….We get a small taste of paradise here on earth…. And the best is yet to come

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