Today at Holy Mass we hear from the Gospel of St Luke…Jesus is saddened by the fact that his people would not listen to him….“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how many times I yearned to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were unwilling!”…People did not want to hear it…Jesus was God…..Jesus performed miracles…And the people still “did not want to hear it”…..Is it any different today?…..As a father I tell my children all the time…”Listen to me”…Clearly I tell them things for their own good but there is something about human beings that do not want to be told what to do…Even if that instruction is for their benefit……God is constantly trying to form us in our everyday life…He gave us Sacred Scripture…Jesus founded a Church, which provides us with time tested teachings that have guided great saint to do amazing things….We have Our Lady to teach us the about her son…We have the Sacraments to enlighten our minds and hearts and fortify us with grace…And we ignore it all!…..This is why Jesus lamented over his people today in the Gospel……..“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how many times I yearned to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were unwilling!”
Thursday, October 31, 2024
People believe what they see, even those who are “unwilling to see”
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
The morning came around and the “cock crowed”….."Cock a Doodle Doo”…And Peter the “tough guy” was no where to be found!…Why did that happen?….Jesus Prayed - Jesus Stayed….The Disciples Slept - The Disciples Ran!…Do you hear that all you “tough guys”!
Today at Holy Mass we hear from the Gospel of Luke…Jesus tells us something that breaks the American narrative of what many mainstream Protestants refer to as “Once Saved - Always Saved”…These are Jesus’s words not mine - So don’t shoot the messenger.…."Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough”…Let’s breakdown what Jesus just said….First off, the road to heaven is narrow, which implies its the road less traveled….Which implies we as Catholics must be in the world but not of the world…This means we must be “set apart” and not like “the crowd”…Why is that?…Catholics are called to be a “light on the hill” for the world…In order to do that, we can not be “like the world”…What else is found in that one sentence from Jesus?….Jesus says that some will “not be strong enough”…What does he mean by that?….This statement implies effort is required by those who “walk on the narrow road”…..And since we are all human, which means we are all sinners, will need divine assistance to “walk on that road”…Why is that?…Well, lets look to what Jesus just said…On our own, “We are not strong enough”…I can hear all the “tough guys” out there saying right now…”That is what you think!”….My answer to all the “tough guys” is remember our friend St Peter…..When push came to shove, Peter denied his friend three times…In fact, every single one of the 12 disciples ran away…Why is that?…Because the road to heaven is “narrow”…And because of that in order to stay "on the road" we need divine assistance…What is that divine assistance?…..Daily Prayer, Weekly fasting and living a Sacramental life…..Do you hear that all you “tough guys” out there!….The road is narrow!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
”What is the Kingdom of God like? To what can I compare it?”
Today at Holy Mass we hear from St Luke's Gospel…..In the text Jesus asks two questions….“What is the Kingdom of God like?” & “To what can I compare it?”…......So I will ask you....What is your idea of heaven?…Is it a party?…Today when we speak to people about heaven they assume “everyone gets in the door”…..In the mean time do we consider the “things of God” while we are here on earth?…….Heaven is simply seeing God as he is…Standing in the presence of Pure Love…But before we “get there”….How must we prepare?……A good question…Do we ever consider it?
Monday, October 28, 2024
We are part of the Body of Christ….Jesus is the head and we are the body….Jesus established a Church…He did not write a book…..The two can not be separated!
Today at Holy Mass we hear from St Paul in the first readings…Paul was writing a letter to his friends encouraging them……To summaries what Paul said…He states that we are all part of the same Body of Christ and Jesus is the head of that body…Most people would agree with that…However, large numbers of people somehow try to separate the Body, which is the Church from Jesus…You hear statements like this from many….”I do not need the Church - I only need Jesus”…..This is not reality because the Church is an extension of Christ and without the Sacraments whether we realize it or not…We will lack the needed grace as St Paul stated rightly......…”To run the race to the end”…Jesus did not write a book, he formed a Church…And he formed it for a reason…Because we as human beings, all of which are born with a fallen nature need the grace of the Sacraments……Never underestimate your own weakness and your capacity to sin…The moment you do, you open the door to the devil…”Who prowls the earth like a lion”…Its when we acknowledge our sin and understand our weakness…Its only then we become strong…Because God sustains us by his grace……That only happens when we embrace Jesus as the head and the Church has Christ’s body….We are part of that body…The two can not be separated!
Sunday, October 27, 2024
The Kingdom of God is at hand…But do we “see it”?…..Words will never penetrate the heart the way seeing the Gospel in action radically lived can
Today at Holy Mass we hear a passage from St Mark…A man named Bartimaeus, who was blind calls to Jesus and asks him for help…."Master, I want to see”…..Clearly one can understand that being blind must be a very difficult thing to deal with in life but there is a deeper meaning to Bartimaeus’s request…..A person can have his / her sight and still be very blind….All of us have a fallen nature and because of this reality human beings tend to “see” and “hear” selectively…What do I mean by that?….We see what we want to see in order for our minds to validate our lifestyle….One can say human beings have selective-sight….Jesus today gave Bartimaeus his physical sight back but he also gives him something much more….By turning to Christ, Bartimaeus sheds all the impediments that prevented him from “seeing” reality as it truly is…..So the question today is…Do we want to see?….Not to see “selectively” but see everything about ourselves and the world that need to be addressed and changed…This is the sight that Jesus offers us…And this kind of vision only is given to those who open their heart to the Holy Spirit……But in order for the Holy Spirit to give us sight…We must “clear the way” for it….God can not fill us if we are full of ourself
Saturday, October 26, 2024
God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked man but rather in his conversion that he may live…The outcome is completely up to us…We can not have it both ways
Today at Holy Mass we hear a passage from St Luke…In it Jesus tells us point blank that he is always their reaching out his hand to us…However, its up to us to take his hand and if we choose not to…We will perish!…This is reality…This is not “Hippie Jesus”…This is the real Jesus talking……“Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!”…….”Americanized Christianity” has twisted the words of Christ…Far too many people “think” we get to heaven on “our terms”…That there is no such thing as mortal sin or hell….That “Jesus understands” when “I do the wrong thing”…..Yes, Jesus does understand very well…He has the holes in his hands to prove it!……When we sin and we all do!….We MUST reconcile with the Father in heaven……Don’t believe anyone who tells you differently!….Yes, God understands the human condition…That is why he sent his son to us….And Jesus also understood the weakness of men and women…That is why he established a Church where we can reconcile our sins and we are fortified by grace through the Blessed Sacrament……..There is no such person as “Hippie Jesus”!…Jesus the man told it like it is…..His hand is extended to each of us…Its for us to reach for it.
Friday, October 25, 2024
All we have to do is “listen” to the small voice found in silence…..”Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face”….And you will set the world on fire!
Today at Holy Mass we hear from the Gospel of St Luke…Jesus is discussing with his 12 friends about paying attention to what is right in front of you…..The past is just that…The past!…And as for the future…..We can not control the future…But we have the present…Its for us to recognize it as a gift….To pay attention to what God is doing in our life…God works in the here and now, he uses everything to pull at our hearts…He uses everything to mold us into who we were born to be….”You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; why do you not know how to interpret the present time?”….We must begin by listening to the ever small voice in our heart…IT IS THERE!!!!!…..Do not ignore it…This is where the journey begins…The greatest adventure is to follow God and his holy will….Fear nothing and trust what I am telling YOU!…..God created YOU for greatness and he placed his spirit with in YOU……Take his hand and never let it go!
Thursday, October 24, 2024
“There can be no freedom as long as there is sin in the heart. What’s the use of changing structures? What’s the use of violence and armed force if the motivation is hatred and the purpose is to buttress those in power or else to overthrow them and then create new tyrannies? What we seek in Christ is true freedom, the freedom that transforms the heart, the freedom the risen Christ announces to us today, “Seek what is above”
Today at Holy Mass we hear from the Gospel of St Luke…In this text Jesus says something that many may be shocked at….”Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.”…Wait a second…Is this Jesus talking?…..The Truth is a powerful thing!…When it is heard it causes people to question themselves and if an individual is not willing to change…They can and will violently reject it…This is why Jesus was crucified…And this is why the Truth is rejected today….Far too many people love the idea of “Hippie Jesus”….Who did not challenge the world to change…That is not who Jesus was…..If we as Catholics do not challenge the world’s views…You can guarantee one thing…We are not following the Lord
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
“Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father”…It comes down to this simple question…Do we take the words of Jesus seriously?
Today at Holy Mass we hear from the Gospel of St Luke…Jesus tells his 12 friends something…He tells us the same thing…..”Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more”…Now this is Jesus talking - Not me!….First question to ponder…Do we take the words of Christ seriously?……Jesus tells us a lot of things in the New Testament and frankly he is crystal clear…….Do we take what he says seriously?…Because today he is telling us…..I expect something from you!….Just like all parents, who raise their children…They expect them to be good citizens once they leave their family home…Jesus is telling us…..You have been given a great gift…What are you going to do with it?…….Far too many people have this misconception that we just “float into heaven”…..Not the case my friends!…While heaven and faith are gifts from God given to us completely undeserved…….Jesus does expect us to use what was given to us for the building of the Kingdom of God here on earth…What you do with your gifts is completely up to you…But do not delude yourself or listen to watered down Americanized Christianity…We have been given a great gift at our Baptism…The Life of Christ has placed within our soul….Jesus expects us to use what was given to us….But don’t take my words for it…..Jesus is very clear…The rest boils down to a choice made by each of us.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Grace is real…And whether you want to realize it or not…You need it…And you know what?…..So do I….Because I am “ME”
Today at Holy Mass we hear in the first reading from St Paul….”For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast”……Everything we do, which is good is in essence the result of God’s grace….Like the word love, the term “grace” gets “thrown around a lot”….However, do we really believe that “grace” is real?…..If we open our hearts to it, unmerited grace can elevate our nature….This is why Jesus came and walked among us….God understands the human condition very well….This is why he created a Church and this is why God gave us the Sacraments…I can hear it now…”Your talking about the Sacraments again?!?”…..YES!!!!….The Sacraments are the tools given to us, which open us up to grace!….The Sacraments while they are administered by men (i.e. A Catholic Priest) they are heavenly in their origin and in their nature…..In order to be the people we are called to be…We ALL need grace!….And that “grace falls like rain” from God’s hand to our own…Our job is open ourselves up to it….So simple
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Has our “Americanized Christian mindset” skewed the message of Christ?
Today at Holy Mass we hear in the Gospel of St Mark two of Jesus friends ask him a question….."Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left”…..These two guys, James and John did not get it!…..They were looking for power and glory in the here and now….Jesus was the suffering servant and they did not understand so Jesus had to set them straight!……He addressed their request…”You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”…….In order for us to walk the “narrow road”, which Jesus laid out for us we too must live a sacrificial life….Now don’t take my words for it…Jesus tells us very clearly today in the gospel…..”Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many”…Do we somehow “think” that we are excused from this path?…..If we do, we are not thinking as God does…The path to heaven is a path that renounces “self” each and everyday…In that process, we are filled by the Holy Spirit…Because even God can not “fill us up” when we are full of our self…….Do you disagree?….. Has our “Americanized Christian mindset” skewed the message of Christ?
Saturday, October 19, 2024
“There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
Today the universal Church honors the North American martyrs…..Six Jesuit Priests and two laymen, who gave their lives witnessing to the gospel in New York State to the Iroquois Indians…..Fr Isaac Jaques was one of those priests who had his fingers chopped off and after being beaten on his first trip to North America returned to France only to go back to New York State to serve the people again…..He knew he would be killed but went back anyway…..Before the Iroquois chopped off this fingers this is what Fr Issac wrote………..”When I ascended the scaffold, I exclaimed in my heart: For we are made a spectacle unto the world and to angels and to men for Christ’s sake”…..To the world what Fr Issac did was crazy….He sacrificed himself to spread the gospel….Most of us who are Baptized will not be called to be physically tortured and killed in cold blood for the faith…However, there is such a thing in religious circles called “white martyrdom”…This is where we die to ourself without the drawing of blood…This is the path to heaven for most people…We are all called to die to ourself…..Very few people have to give their physical blood for Christ…However, if we want to enter eternal life…We must “die to ourself”…That is the “narrow road” Jesus speaks of…There is no other road that leads to heaven
Friday, October 18, 2024
We are all far too confident in our own abilities…Jesus will take what he has given to you and magnify it…If you let him
Today at Holy Mass the universal Church commemorates the Feast Day of St Luke, the beloved physician and author of one of the four gospels…Luke was not a author by profession, he earned his living by being a doctor…Yet he is remembered to this day roughly 2000 years after his death for his service to Christ…Luke never met Jesus in person, he was a peer of St Paul therefore his gospel was not a first hand account of the life of Christ……. Yet Jesus’s life made a deep and lasting impression upon Luke….How about you?…..Each of us are in this world and we all have responsibilities, which require us to labor for our families….However, what we do to make a living may not necessarily be what our “true calling” is…..Work was made for man and we must toil for our daily bread…But the bread we eat is not the bread of life…Each of the Baptized, that means YOU, has been called by God to a particular service…As St Paul rightly put it in Scripture…”And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ”……Like St Luke, who the Church honors today, made his living by being a doctor but he is remembered for what he did in his service to and for the Lord….What will you be remembered for?…..What gift has the Lord given you and how are you using that gift?
Thursday, October 17, 2024
What is the cornerstone of your life?…..That is the question…..Is it love?…Is this what drives you?...And if it is love….Who do you love?
Today at Holy Mass we hear from the gospel of Luke…Jesus addresses the leaders and teachers of the people….”“Woe to you who build the memorials of the prophets whom your fathers killed. Consequently, you bear witness and give consent to the deeds of your ancestors, for they killed them and you do the building”…….Have we ever stopped to think about what it must have been like for Christ to speak truth to power knowing full well he was going to be tortured and brutally murdered?…..Can you ever imagine the thoughts that ran through his head as he sweat blood in the garden of gethsemane the night before he was killed?…..What drives a person to go to such extremes?…The answer is simple…Love!….Only a person who loves can do what Jesus did….No one is willing to die for a lie…..But for love a person will do almost anything and endure the worst the world can throw at them…..We can study and read about Jesus, the lives of the saints and the teachings of the Catholic Church all we want…But if we are not driven by love…We will not stand firm when the “rubber meets the road”…..However, if we encounter love itself….God who loves us…We can endure…We will persevere…And we will conquer in the name of the Carpenter from Nazareth…Only love can do that and we must find this love because it is there!